Technologies we used
- Browser Local Storage for Cart Section -Google and Facebook Api’s for a quick Login and Signup ## Features - Login and logout functionality.
Can redirect to login,Search button,productpage,cart page,WalletPage,Aboutpage
Can login in to website by creating an account or sign in through Google/Facebook
The beauty of our project the picture,video of Beardo Brand ambassador is added along with the trending products
It contain all the products that we can purchange also the categories are present
We can add amount to wallet via Debit/creditCard and purchase the products from it
we can see all the added products add coupan to it to get a discount
There are different payment method like UPID credit/DebitCard and Cashon delivery option
The description of the project is given along with the developers details
Key Learning Points and Improvements that Can be Made →
we have learned more then we had expected and now we know how to collaborate with people, we believe #MasaiSchool is doing really great job in collaboration part then the most of
the school out there and We had done best in our clone of the website and We know that nothing is perfect and there are few things that we can still improve like time management and some part of the JS and CSS but we made a really good effort
of making the Website and We am proud it and our efforts.